So, my little bitty corner of the web is barely getting any recognition. Which is not really surprising, I wasn’t expecting a huge turnout or anything, but still, it’s always a bit disappointing when the worst possible scenario actually happens. Right now, crafting is my only source of income, so I wish there was a way to spread the word more. Of course, with all the Etsy shops out there, I don’t have much chance of catching attention with my storenvy store. I mean, you log on to Etsy and you have everything at your fingertips. Storenvy is the basically the same thing, but FREE. It’s an easy, cute little setup, and best of all, no paying per listing like you have to on Etsy. But then again, you don’t get the exposure, either. I did add a couple of new items, though.


A new Framed Shadow Box Baby Subway Art . The Shadow Box measures 8.5″ x 8.5″ and is completely personalized with your (or whoever the gift is for) baby’s stats. Makes a great gift.Red Framed Baby Subway Art

Then, there’s a 9×8 Hand Deco Notebook. Matching pen is attached to the front with a velcro seal, there is an inside front pocket, it includes a moveable corner bookmark, 2 matching mini clips and each section is tabbed and has labels to personalize.


I will be making quite a few of the Notebook/Journals. They are very time consuming, (especially since I am a perfectionist & cannot stand even the slightest imperfections) but there’s something relaxing about making them at the same time. Especially when they are personalized.